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Age is just a number!!

Age is just a number!!
Photo by Edward Cisneros on Unsplash

In fact, we take that back.  Age is not just a number. Age comes with wisdom, experience and knowledge that our fresh, youthful faces lacked. 

“If only I knew then what I know now”

an expression which many of us have used throughout our lives. That is why we shouldn’t look at ageing as a negative, but look at it as the best tool or weapon you have on your side. For every line, scar or grey hair you spend your days fighting, they have a story, an anecdote or a child that has been created in the process.  


Here are our top tips for keeping youthful (and it doesn’t even require a surgeon!) 

Keep on learning! 

You have age on your side, which comes with all the previous trial and errors, the education, the mistakes that you’ve learnt for.  However, your learning shouldn’t stop there!  Take on a hobby to expand your horizon and keep the grey matter fresh and challenged.  What have you always loved? Anything you just wish you had learnt earlier in life?  Don’t stop now, life is for living and it is never too late to learn something new. In fact, maybe now is just the perfect time for you to take on a new and fun challenge. 


Photo by Sergiu Vălenaș on Unsplash

Change the message up! 

Don’t be disparaging about your age. OWN IT! You got this far, you have lived through many eras of ups and downs and look at you now! You are here, coming out of a pandemic and looking to a future.  A future that is all yours to mould.  

Avoid teaching young ears that age is a bad thing.  Don’t undervalue your birthday because “you would rather forget” … How lucky are you to have another birthday? How lucky are you to get to celebrate one whole day that represents you being brought into this world?  Crack open a bottle of something, put on your favourite music and dance around and enjoy that slice of cake.  This is YOUR LIFE, let the young ones learn by your example and teach them how to age happily and be content throughout the decades.

Photo by Juno Jo on Unsplash

Be Happy and OWN IT! 

There is only one you. There was only one you at 21 and there is only one you now! You are unique, you are special and you deserve to be happy.  

Stay positive and it’s a proven fact (the science says so!) that this will ultimately help your cognitive ability and help keep you physically and mentally healthy, and as we all know, nothing is more valuable than our health! 


there is a past you 


with so much pride


at how far 

you’ve come.